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Grenville Secondary School Rules


Each student should be responsible for his/her conduct and for providIng positive and healthy environment for others by maintaining good order, self-dsicipline and consideration for the rights and properpty of others. these rules, therefore, act as a guidlines for students in terms of thier responsibilities penalties for breaking these rules would be implemented in accordance with Edaucation Art.


  1. Students should not arrive at school later than 8:00 am without submitting a written excuse from a parent or graduation to the form Master/Mistress

  2. Student's absence Must be followed by an excuse written by a parent on the day following their absence.

  3. Bells are to be Promptly obeyed. When two bells are rung, the first one means each studentis to be seated on the classroom. The second bell should meet students there.

  4. Games clothing ahould be worn by All Students whenever required.

  5. Students should netriher wear hats nor caps in schoo, nor multi-coloured belts, nor coloured clips nor beads nor jewllery: rings, bracelets, chains etc. These items when taken from students will Not be returned to them

  6. School uniform should be worn at all times. Skirts and trousers should be of the prescribed lenght. Skirts should be under the knees. trouser legs should be 18'' wide at the base.

  7. Weapons should not be brought into the school: Knives, razor blades/cutlass, ice-picks, choppers and other dangerous articles.

  8. Radio sets, records players, discmans,walkmans, cell phones, ipods & ipads and any other electronic devices are Not Allowed.

  9. Eating and chewing of gums in class are strickly prohibited.

  10. Alcohol and other drugs are prohibited.

  11. Furniture should not be abused, that is stood on, thrown, broken etc. a replacement fee will be charge.

  12. during general assembly students  should Not be standing on the corridor or inside classrooms.

  13. Students Should Not leave school before they are dismissed at 2:30pm

  14. Students should Not ne found playong in classrooms or on the corridors.

  15. Students should Not Congregate or Cause Disturbance outside the Principal's Office or Staff room.

  16. Students should not enter the staff room nor the toilet without permission, nor should they use chalk or markers either on chalkboard or on school walls.

  17. Students should leave the classroom in an orderly manner after the last class and do likewise when entering and leave the assembly hall.

  18. Students should not enter a form or classroom other than their own without permission from a teacher

  19. Students should not frequent questionable places of amusement such as pool rooms, arcades (electronic game rooms) or public dances.

  20. Students should Not be found with any tattoos on their bodies .

  21. Students wearing uniform should conduct themselves accordingly in and out of the school.

  22. NB!! Any act which disturbs the smooth running of the classrooms is an offence punishable by SUSPENSION or EXPULSION. Students who have attained school leaving age (16) and are persistently disturbing the smooth running of the school can be expelled from school.

  23. All electronic devices confiscated during school time would only be returned at the end of the school year.

Criteria For Graduation



  • Student woud not allowed to graduate if they are or have habitually suspended during their school life.

  • Continously disrespecttful to school authority and rules.

  • No regards for school uniform.

  • conflict with the law i.e court matters including indicatable and non indicatbale offences arrested and detained by police.

School Uniform design and layout: Click PDF file below

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